magpar Homepage and Wiki
magpar is a finite element micromagnetics package which combines several unique features:
Applicability to a variety of static and dynamic micromagnetic problems including uniaxial anisotropy, exchange, magnetostatic interactions and external fields
Flexibility of the finite element method concerning the geometry and accuracy by using unstructured graded meshes
Availability due to its design based on free, open source software packages
Portability to different hardware platforms, which range from simple PCs to massively parallel supercomputers
Scalability due to its highly optimized design and efficient libraries
Versatility by including static energy minimization and dynamic time integration methods
April 26, 2010
released magpar version 0.9 (final): ChangeLog
Dec. 10, 2009
released magpar version 0.9rc2: ChangeLog
Jul. 13, 2009
magpar website/wiki relaunched: Read AboutMagparWiki on how to use this site.
New magpar mailing lists.
Dec. 14, 2008
released magpar version 0.8: ChangeLog
Information and Links
DownloadPage: Source code and examples
FrequentlyAskedQuestions (wiki version) - static docs: FAQ
PublicationsList (wiki version) - static docs: Publications
License: magpar is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- Contact:
Mailing lists (preferred)
<magpar AT magpar DOT net>